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A member registered Sep 07, 2016

Recent community posts

i just want to ask a quick question that came to my mind one time when i played this game.. did you actually give give the AI the ability to zoom in with their weapons or do they just shoot really accurately without having to do this. again. just curious.


will beta 4 be released before the end of this week?

yup. that was me who said that

no. all you have to do is pick another flag to spawn at.

but if that had been the only flag your team had, then yes you have to wait

add a knife. that would be cool. (throwing knife perhaps. one time use until respawning.) just an idea

thats strange. it works for me and I'm on a mac too. what version of the mac are you using. (maverick, yosemite etc)

Add a d-day map. that would be awesome! and maybe a mod folder so that we can do everything ourselves instead of hassling u for it.

great game

what is the squad idea? it sounds interesting...

New map idea: D-day beach. That would be beast.

great game.... 10/10


yeah d-day would make an awesome map to play on. glad u agree!

chill. it was just a dont have to be mean about it and bag on my idea. Besides, isn't it Steelravens's job to take accept or reject ideas. not urs. So fk off....

Awesome game bro. 10/10. I have a great suggestion for beta 4... Adding two things... Airstrike after getting a certain kill streak, and a new map: D-day Beach. those two things would be beast. love the game. good job so far. keep it up.